
By EfrainMeeks

Boxing Styles: Techniques 

Techniques and strategies have evolved over the course of gloved boxing’s history. Styles and strategies have changed due to ring conditions, promoter demands and teaching techniques. Research in this area can be complicated because boxing is a complex field that requires a person to be psychologically, mentally and physiologically perfect.

Boxing Styles

Four boxing styles are generally used to classify fighters. These styles are: the swarmer; out-boxer; slugger; and boxer-puncher. These are not all the boxers you will see. It is not unusual for fighters to change their style over time.

A swarmer is also known as a crowder or in-fighter. He applies constant pressure to his opponent to overpower him. Swarmers have great bob and weave, power and punch output, which can lead to a high need for endurance and conditioning. Swarmer boxers tend to have shorter careers that those who practice other styles. It is almost impossible to maintain this style for an entire career. Most swarmers can only keep it up for a short time. This leads to a gradual decline in the ability to perform the style and exposes him to greater punishment.

The Out Boxer

The Boxer-Puncher is incompatible with the out-boxer. The goal of the out-boxer is to keep that gap open and fight with quicker, more powerful punches. Out-boxers are well-known for their ability to move quickly, making up for the lack of power. They rely on weaker jabs or straights rather than hooks and uppercuts. However, some out-boxers like Kenny Leonard and Muhammad Ali have many notable knockouts. But they prefer to outclass their opponents and wear them down, rather than knock them out. Benny Leonard and Muhammad Ali are notable out-boxers.


The Slugger

The out-boxer is a symbol of all that is classy and elegant about boxing. However, the slugger (also known as brawler) often represents the brutality and violence in the sport. Many sluggers lack finesse, but are able to dominate any opponent with one punch. Their fights are unpredictable and exciting because of this ability. Sluggers are often slow and unable to move around the ring, making them difficult to follow fighters who can run fast. They tend to throw harder and slower punches than boxers or swarmers, and they often ignore combo punching. Many sluggers will use predictable punching patterns (single punches that have obvious leads) to open themselves up for counterpunching.